Molech and the masters of deceit

“Abortion is kind of fading as an issue….”

–Nancy Pelosi, 2017. Washington Post

[Abortion] continues to be the fight of our lifetime.”

–Hillary Clinton, 2019. Bloomberg

Kavanaugh is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. Gorsuch is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. So what do we do? Protect ourselves. Pass a state law that is a prophylactic from the Federal action.”

–Andrew Cuomo, 2019. Bloomberg

A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.”

–Solomon, 900 BC. Proverbs 18:2

Disclaimer: The following criticism of Democratic Party politicians and those who support them ought not to be taken as an implicit endorsement of the Republican Party. I am not a registered Republican and have no allegiance to a Party that is essentially the other side of the same debased coin. The purpose of this post is to express my concern for the growing number of professing Christian “leaders” who are not only willing to stand behind outspoken proponents of abortion, but are using their influence to shame us stubborn old-fashioned Bible-thumpers for ranking mass-infanticide high on the list of pretty bad things.

Lately I am often reminded of a professor who would regularly open his lectures with this simple imperative: “Never underestimate the stupidity of mankind.” This has been just about the only thing worth remembering from any of my college classes, and it has proven to be good advice.

But within the context of a biblical worldview, I would modify his exhortation to: “Never underestimate the depravity of mankind”. While the Fall has impacted the entirety of God’s creation (Rom. 8:22), its primary significance is anthropological. Original sin and the subsequent curse has infected man’s mind, will, intellect and emotions. None of man’s faculties were spared from this cataclysmic event. This means that humanity has an innate predisposition to love evil (Gen. 6:5), to disparage logic and elevate emotion (Prov. 18:2) and to suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18).

Politicians have truly perfected the art of capitalizing on man’s depraved nature to their benefit, zeroing-in on his self-centeredness and stupidity. Indeed, elected officials have managed to integrate idiocy and debauchery in the most remarkable ways, exploiting these twin fruits of the Fall by appealing to mankind’s Adamic self-obsession and willingness to “believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast”.[1]

Never underestimate the sinister minds of politicians in general and Democrats in particular. Their uncanny ability to pick-pocket you in order to fund a program designed to kill you, all the while insisting it’s for your own good, is the “fruit” (Rom. 6:21) of carefully cultivating the craftiness coming to us by the father of lies (John 8:44).

Before commenting (again) on New York’s new abortion law and issues related to it, a preliminary observation concerning the above quote from Governor Cuomo is in order. I couldn’t help but find it a bit ironic that Cuomo was so eager to pass a “prophylactic” that would serve to insulate New York from “the federal action” since the well-trained Romanist is one who would advocate top-down policies in just about every other context, ignoring states’ rights entirely. Cuomo’s natural aversion to federalism is revealed in part by his opposition to the Electoral College. Oh, but in this case, when a central authority might pose a threat to his own state’s passion for baby-butchering, Cuomo and his bloodthirsty coconspirators are quick to take any action necessary to insulate themselves from the central government, overreaching and power-hungry as it is precisely because of his own Party’s devotion to invasive, intrusive and “progressive” unconstitutional policies.

On the heels of the Democratic Governor’s victory with regard to the so-called “Reproductive Health Act”, the State of Virginia, apparently feeling a sense of conviction for their lack of contribution to the national infant death toll, responded by drafting a law designed to procure the accumulation of even more dead babies.

Yet, we were told by Nancy Pelosi (another fine Romanist) less than two years ago that abortion is

“… kind of fading as an issue. It really is, I mean, it’s not fading in the hearts and minds of the people who are that way. That’s why, you know what, that’s why Donald Trump is president of the United States. Evangelicals and the Catholics. Anti-marriage equality, anti-choice. That’s how he got to be president. Overlooked everything about environment, feeding the hungry, minister to the needs of the sick and the poor and all of the things they all stand for, and they’re beautiful. The Evangelicals, we work with them on so many immigration issues, preserving God’s planet, which I believe it is too, good stewards. But everything was trumped literally and figuratively by that.

Robert Costa (WaPo): Can you clarify that statement? You said abortion is fading as an issue. Do you mean for the Democratic Party?

Pelosi: Within the Democratic Party, within the…I don’t think that you’ll see too many candidates going out there and saying, I’m running as a pro-life candidate.” If that happens to be where, and it’s usually not pro-life or not. It’s how far are you willing to go on the issue. But let’s not spend too much time on it. Look, I’ve five children, six years to the day…. So I say anybody who wants to talk about this subject you tell me after you have five children in six years and you come to my office and we’ll discuss how I should decide what other people should do in their lives. Because it’s just not, you know…it’s not a question of substance of the issue. It’s a question of, what right does any of us have to foist that on to somebody else?”

Washington Post

Judging by the aggressive push for some of the most horrendous abortion laws in the nation’s feverish race to hell, apparently Pelosi’s statement about abortion “fading as an issue” proves that she is either a boldface liar or master of Hegelian Jesuitical deception.[2]

The “right to choose” has become the chief cornerstone of the Democratic Party. Not the right to choose your own healthcare provider, union membership or lightbulbs, or the right to choose what size soft drink you can purchase, and whether or not you might enjoy it with a straw, or the right to choose how you will educate your children, but only the right to choose whether or not your child is worthy of life (should you be so inclined as to have a “healthcare practitioner” rip its body to pieces).

Molech and Friends

In a previous post (‘Precious in the sight of the Dems is the death of your kids’), I likened these infanticidal maniacs to the biblical account of the priests of Molech who passed children through the fire in the worship of a pagan idol. I am hardly the first to make the connection. But lest such an association with pagan priests seem harsh and unwarranted, let’s consider D.G. Spillman’s depiction of ancient Molech worship:

“Around 1200 BC, a new image of a very old human adversary confronted the Children of Israel as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. The Ammonites across the river from Canaan called him Milcom or Malcam. Up the Mediterranean coast in the Phoenician fortress city of Tyre they called him Melquart. In other parts of the world he was also known as Baal Hammon and Cronos, but in Canaan this monster was Moloch[3] and his bargain was simple: He would ensure the land was fertile, a land of milk and honey, if the people would worship him. All he asked was for their firstborn.

Dedication of the Canaanites’ firstborn to Moloch was relatively simple. During festival season in the spring and fall of each year, the priests of Moloch would stoke a fire lit in the belly of the 40-foot-tall brass-and-chiseled-stone beast whose likeness was that of a gigantic seated man, with the head of a jackal in some likenesses or a bull in others.

The beast’s brass arms were outstretched. Its metallic hands cupped and tilted downward at the crease where they came together, allowing a space of 12-18 inches. As the fire heated the brass runners down below in the belly, the runners’ red-hot glow transferred upward into arms and hands of the beast until the palm and each massive finger of the monster was aglow.

Then the priests of Moloch would begin to beat on their drums, the beat timed to a hypnotic swaying. At a point poignant to their group mesmerism, the priests would go out and receive the firstborn children of the Canaanites and pass them forward towards the flaming brass image of their god.

Finally the last priest in line would get as close as he could to the superheated hands, then toss the infant or toddler up into Moloch’s palms. The drumbeats would intensify, effectively drowning out the shrieks and cries of both child and parents. As the blackened flesh of the child curled and shrank, it would slowly slide downward toward the open space crease between the hands and into the fire below. Then another child was passed forward. Often this unspeakable holocaust lasted all day and into the night.

Afterwards the priests would open the feasting, drinking and tents of prostitution for all who worshipped the beast.” [4]

Surely, twenty-first century abortion mills can’t be compared to such primeval barbarism, can they? With little reservation, I submit that the sanitized slaughterhouses of Planned Parenthood and their devoted allies in the Party of Depravity are actually worse than what Spillman describes above. Why would I say that? Because, for the Molech-worshippers, the melted and mutilated flesh of infants was a means to an end.

Not that pragmatism ever could justify such a horrendous practice, but sacrificing their children was intended to actually accomplish something. Molech was expected to grant a harvest upon sufficient appeasement. It is presumable that many of the women offering up their firstborn were not particularly enthusiastic about such a prospect but did it under a felt obligation to the well-being of the community. Perhaps the culture had been so ingrained to believe that if mothers withheld their firstborn they would be responsible for bringing a famine upon the people, or the direct wrath of Molech himself. Perhaps it was worth the sacrifice of their firstborn in order to spare the rest from starvation and judgment (for the benefit of “the common good”). It might even have been deemed, “the lesser of two evils”.

But what have the priests of Planned Parenthood offered you in return for the butchered body of your infant child? What has Satan sworn to grant you for spilling your child’s blood in the drain and tossing its body parts in the dumpster? Has he promised you a great harvest? Has he offered you blessing and prosperity?

For the women who have surrendered their children to the white-robed executioners, what have they gained? Where is the harvest? For many women, these babies are being slaughtered for the meager reward of “convenience”, and that meager reward is often followed by spiritual and emotional trauma coupled with a lifetime of regret.

Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Planned Parenthood, the diabolical daughters of Eve “shouting their abortions” and their satanic counterparts praying for the same could only wish they were as honorable and upstanding as the pagan priests of Molech. Surely, if Molech is god, follow him. Even Abraham was willing to offer up his son to the God of Scripture before God interrupted His test of obedience. The pagan priests of old sought to propitiate the wrath of Molech; Abortionists today seek to procure the wrath of Yahweh.

Social Justice perverts actual justice

The left-leaning trend in both evangelicalism and the media propaganda machine appears to be driven by what Shelby Steele has termed “poetic truth” (the politically correct narrative) over and above actual truth. [5] Set against the standard of poetic truth, someone like Donald Trump can only be viewed as an avowed enemy of The Narrative, thus making him a perpetual enemy of Christian social justice warriors, despite the president cutting up to $60 million of taxpayer dollars from the Planned Parenthood slaughterhouse giant.

Trump’s own departures from upholding his oath of office notwithstanding, historian Brion McClanahan comments on The Narrative’s role in assessing a president’s overall ranking:

“Historians generally consider the ‘best presidents’ to be those who did the most harm to the United States Constitution, the document each swears to uphold and defend before taking office. That doesn’t matter. The ends justify the means. Who cares if Franklin Roosevelt’s ‘Second Bill of Rights’ would destroy every vestige of whatever is left of the original Constitution? Does it provide ‘social justice’ or ‘equality’ or ‘economic security?’ More important, both parties often wonder if such a presidential edict can create an electoral advantage. Ideology trumps both restraint and the Constitution itself in the modern era”[emphasis added].[6]

Certainly, The Narrative has at the very least clouded the judgment of certain Christian leaders who continue to support, promote and endorse Democratic Party politicians—Politicians who have made it abundantly clear that the right to murder your children “continues to be the fight of our lifetime”.

“Just days after some of the most horrific abortion bills were passed in America, the Christian Post reports that Pelosi specifically addressed immigration, referencing ‘human dignity’ and ‘worth.’ Praising evangelical leaders, including Russell Moore who was present at the conference, she continues while praising Galen Carey, the vice president of government relations for the NAE [National Association of Evangelicals], for his advocacy on the immigration issue,”

Reformation Charlotte

Pelosi, like former Democratic staffer Russell Moore, is very concerned for the “human dignity” and “worth” of illegal immigrants (because they are sure to support her own political party). But as far as the human dignity and worth of the unborn? Well, that’s “kind of fading as an issue”.

How do certain Christian leaders like Russell Moore pal around with politicians who rage against the idea of justice for the unborn? How could such prominent voices within evangelicalism accept the left’s repudiation of God’s law and biblical justice with such ease? How could they care so little for the unjust slaughter of image-bearers that they are willing to overlook America’s holocaust for the sake of what they might benefit from a race-baiting, progressivist policy maker? Why do influential Christian men like Russell Moore, Doug Pagitt, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Tim Keller appear to be actively seeking to undo Christians’ just detestation for the Depravity Party by calling into question whether infanticide should be a primary concern at election time?

The answer, of course, is simple: While Democrats despise actual justice, they most certainly love social justice.

To be sure, I do not believe that overturning Roe vs. Wade, or some new prohibitive legislation at the local level, or even Trump’s defunding of Planned Parenthood is ultimately the solution to America’s holocaust. Women need to stop volunteering their children’s tiny bodies for the chopping block. Abortions are not mandated by the US government, at least not yet. Sinners need to be pointed back to God’s law—specifically His prohibition against murder—shown that they have no “right to choose” to murder their children any more than they have the right to murder someone their own age. Most importantly, they need to be informed that the only solution for their willful rebellion against a righteous and holy God is redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:24). But the Christian showing support for pro-infanticide politicians (obsessed as they are with social justice while despising biblical justice) reveals himself to have a blatant disregard for God and His Holy Word, or, at the very least, there is a major disconnect between his theory and his practice.

Why is the cry from evangelicals for social justice louder than ever, with no abatement in sight, and the cry over justice for murdered babies waning? Perhaps it is that evangelical leaders and organizations known to have once made the issue of abortion primary when it comes to political engagement have succumbed to a fear much greater than that of more butchered bodies than the Nazi holocaust ever produced. Indeed, the commonly witnessed symptom of never-ending virtue signaling indicates that they are suffering from the most traumatic and debilitating of all phobias—the fear of being called “racist”.

In New York City, thousands more black babies are aborted each year than born alive. If you’re a racist like me and want to see their lives spared, consider supporting the Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center.


[1] Alice in Wonderland.

[2] See Christian J. Pinto’s forward to Fulton, J.D., Washington in the Lap of Rome (1888), AF Publishing, Mount Juliet, TN, 2012 (reprint).

[3] “Molech” or “Moloch”, both spellings are found in various English Bible translations.

[4] Spillman, S.G., A.I.—Artificial Intelligence: Arrival of a digital god?,Spiritual Counterfeits Project Journal42(1):20—21, 2018.

[5] Steele, S., Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country, Basic Books, New York, 2015, p. 23.

[6] McClanahan, B., Recarving Rushmore, Abbeville Institute, Feb. 19, 2019.

4 Comments on "Molech and the masters of deceit"

  • This article should go national. This article should be read and prayed over by every person who claims the name of Christ.

    The detailed description of the Canaanites offering their firstborn to the false god Molech is beyond horrifying. And yet, what is far more horrifying is the very spirit of those ancient, demonic pagans is joyfully alive and gleefully flourishing in the hearts of millions in this (so-called) civilized, advanced, educated, scientific, superior culture of the United States of America.

    As I read this article and saw the travesty of a nation, and felt disgust with our ungodly leaders and anger toward quasi, “evan-jellyfish” Christians, I asked: “How, O God, did we get this far in human moral corruption, as a nation?”

    The words of the Apostle Peter instantly came to the forefront. “Judgment begins at the house of God…” (1 Pt 4:17) The time has evidently arrived for God’s judgment to begin, and it is beginning at his own House.

    So, I started to blame the church, until the words of the prophet Nathan came on the heel of Peter’s words: “Thou art the man!”
    Look no further. Blame no others. Before I could defend myself, the prophet Samuel showed up: “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in CEASING TO PRAY FOR YOU…” (1 Sam 12:23).

    And there it was, the indictment. Prayerless Christianity. Judgment began at the house of God and landed in my own lap.

    I have to confess that there are a lot of things that I have quit praying about concerning our nation. Overwhelmed with the daily onslaught of the 24 hour news cycle in this country, overwhelmed with one headline after the other of nothing but bad and rotten news, overwhelmed with seeing evil triumph on both sides of the aisle, in both parties, overwhelmed in seeing this nation collapse in slow-motion, I confess that there is much I just quit praying about.

    Intimidated, discouraged and devastated with a sense of hopelessness, I became like the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane where Luke 22:45 tells us that they were “sleeping from sorrow…“ (exhausted from grief). They were emotionally worn out, they couldn’t take it anymore and so they stopped praying. Let the chips fall where they will. Leave me alone.

    And yet, just a stones throw away, was the Savior, who is so mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally wrecked, to the point that he was sweating, as it were, great drops of blood, but is undeterred, on his face, praying out his soul before His Almighty Father.

    Like the disciples I allowed my emotions to dictate my prayer life. And a prayer-less Christian is of no value to a sinning nation.

    I read somewhere that prayer does not equip us for greater works, prayer is the greater work. Prayer is the battle, and it makes no difference where you are.

    The scriptures make it clear that no matter what else I do in life, my duty is to pray. Wherever God has placed me and whatever my circumstances, I should pray continually, since my Sovereign Father is the only solution to this national mess. “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

    So thank you Nick for this article. The Lord used it wake me up and take a lesson from Daniel (ch 6). No matter what direction the nation is going in, like Daniel, I am to “pray and praise God.” Even though Daniel heard about the ungodly laws passed, he still went to his house to pray. He went up to the upper room of his house and opened the windows that faced toward Jerusalem. “Then Daniel bowed down on his knees and prayed just as he always had done.”

    Lord, make me like Daniel.

  • Wonderful article. I knew about the horrors of the pagans sacrificing to Molech but that description really brought things home. The issue of abortion is a simple one, it’s murder, infaniticide. It’s unacceptable for anyone to murder their child, how much more disgusting when Christians try to rationalize this demonic act. We need to wake up as believers and ensure that we never cast a vote for any politician that supports this grievous sin. I’m amazed when speaking to some Christians and finding out they had no problem at all pulling the lever for a politician who supports infanticide. The law of God is written on our hearts and even the unregenerate knows this is wickedness. Great article and thanks for calling attention to this. To anyone that objects to this article or has criticism for it…re-examine yourself, you’re wrong.

  • […] In Molech and the masters of deceit, I argue that the commonly witnessed symptom of never-ending virtue signaling indicates […]

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