Tagged in: Russell Moore

Walter Rauschenbusch and Russell Moore: The roots and fruits of the social gospel

“Americans had come to believe in the religion of progress and humanity. Rauschenbusch now visualized the tremendously swift transformation of America.” –David Noble

In a series of posts addressing the leftward trend in the church and in Western society and the hysterical aftermath of the publication of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, I attempted to show that the modern social justice movement is little more than a revival of the old social gospel repackaged for a racially “woke” environmentally-friendly gender-bending generation. Continue reading…

Molech and the masters of deceit

“Abortion is kind of fading as an issue….”

–Nancy Pelosi, 2017. Washington Post

[Abortion] continues to be the fight of our lifetime.”

–Hillary Clinton, 2019. Bloomberg

Kavanaugh is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. Gorsuch is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. So what do we do? Protect ourselves. Pass a state law that is a prophylactic from the Federal action.”

–Andrew Cuomo, 2019. Bloomberg

A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.”

–Solomon, 900 BC. Proverbs 18:2

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