Monthly Archives: February 2019

Molech and the masters of deceit

“Abortion is kind of fading as an issue….”

–Nancy Pelosi, 2017. Washington Post

[Abortion] continues to be the fight of our lifetime.”

–Hillary Clinton, 2019. Bloomberg

Kavanaugh is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. Gorsuch is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. So what do we do? Protect ourselves. Pass a state law that is a prophylactic from the Federal action.”

–Andrew Cuomo, 2019. Bloomberg

A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.”

–Solomon, 900 BC. Proverbs 18:2

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‘Stop and think about it’: The Trinity

Stop and Think About It is a Christian discernment podcast produced by Phil Sessa, Glenroy Clarke, Nick Vasquez and my dear friend Steve Langella. Entertaining and rich in theological content, Stop and Think About It is intended to take

“Sound biblical doctrine and practical Christian theology out of the ivory towers and putting it into the hands of Christians. We are living in a day when sound biblical preaching has been replaced by man-centered entertainment, and the church is becoming increasingly anti-intellectual. This podcast will encourage believers to think biblically and theologically.”

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