Monthly Archives: July 2018

“Can we have peace with Rome?” video with Ryan Haines

“…Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians. 4:3).

Ryan Haines of The Gospel Training Ground was kind enough to ask me to join him in discussing Rome’s false gospel, ecumenism, and the tendency in modern evangelicalism to put unity above purity. Let it be remembered that Scripture never tells us to make peace with error, or unite Christ with antichrist, but rather to keep or maintain the unity which already exists amongst God elect. Continue reading…

Ken Keathley and the cancer of compromise

Ken Keathley is at it again. His latest blog post, “The Extent of Noah’s Flood: the Geological Evidence (Part 1)”, is an excerpt from the book he coauthored with Mark Rooker, 40 Questions about Creation and Evolution. I addressed some of the major concerns with the book in a review for Journal of Creation (see Irreconcilable records of history and muddled methodology). But even with a relatively high upper limit of 3000 words, I could only scratch the surface of the book’s problems. Keathley’s July 13th 2018 post provides an opportunity to make some further commentary on old-earth creationism.

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Book review: Better than the Beginning, by Richard Barcellos

Following is my review of Dr. Richard Barcellos’ book, Better than the Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective (2013, Reformed Baptist Academic Press). The review was first published in the Creation Research Society Quarterly journal (volume 54(1), pages 80—81). Subsequent to the publication of this review in CRSQ, the books mentioned in the last paragraph have since become available. Links to those resources are provided.

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