Tagged in: new covenant

The seduction of ‘social justice’ (part 2): Christianity and “race”

The very concept of “race” has more to do with biological evolution than it does to do with biblical anthropology. Since all men are descended from Adam and Eve, “race” is simply not a biblical concept. That is why I usually put quotes around the words “white” and “black”. I use the terms for the purpose of communication but not because I think they are legitimate categories.[1] Continue reading…

“And thus all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26)

In a previous post (The 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and Dispensationalism’s continued impact on theology and politics), I addressed some of the problems with what I believe to be faulty reasoning on the part of Dispensationalists (generally speaking) which sets out to maintain the perpetuity of ancient land promises embedded in a now abrogated covenant as well as the tendency to overlook types and shadows in Scripture. Continue reading…