Tagged in: Romanism

How Romanism ruined America, by John Robbins

On the No Peace with Rome home page, I stated that

“The encroachments of Romanism are plainly evident in the doctrinal downgrade, charismatic chicanery, and ecumenical evisceration of Truth so prevalent in contemporary evangelicalism. But the retreat to Rome is not confined to areas of soteriology. Some may even hold to the biblical gospel and yet be thoroughly romish in their political and economic theory, Thomistic in their epistemology, compromising in their protology, and/or Jesuitical in their eschatology.”

Indeed, almost all erroneous roads lead to Rome and her foundation built upon sand. Rome’s pernicious influence must not be overlooked when scrutinizing the rise of socialism among American politicians and Christian leaders. Continue reading…

“Can we have peace with Rome?” video with Ryan Haines

“…Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians. 4:3).

Ryan Haines of The Gospel Training Ground was kind enough to ask me to join him in discussing Rome’s false gospel, ecumenism, and the tendency in modern evangelicalism to put unity above purity. Let it be remembered that Scripture never tells us to make peace with error, or unite Christ with antichrist, but rather to keep or maintain the unity which already exists amongst God elect. Continue reading…

A prayer for Christians to unite around: ‘No peace with Rome’

The following article is provided by Protestant Revival. Original post can be found here.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity took up a significant part of ecclesiastical efforts in the mainstream churches of Northern Ireland in the latter stages of January. Worshippers of various different hues shared in services with the stated aim of promoting unity between those carrying the banner of ‘Christian’. One might respond to that: ‘Sure, isn’t that great? Would you not want everyone to be united?’ However, these ecumenical meetings are contrary to God’s Word and are rendered as such, in fact, to be anti-Christian. Continue reading…

On the praise of heretics: C.S. Lewis, anti-Darwinist and anti-Protestant

“Let me say it as kindly as I can: if justification by faith alone in the finished work of Christ is the heart of the Gospel message, then C.S. Lewis said nothing about the gospel in all of his writings. In spite of this astounding fact, millions of self-professed ‘evangelicals’ think his writings are wonderful examples of Christian truth. And apparently, evangelical professors cannot get enough of his Anglo-Catholic writings….” -Ronald Cooke[i]

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