Audio resources on 1689 federalism

Sam Renihan discusses the 17th century reformed Baptist federal theology and his new book, From Shadow to Substance: The Federal Theology of the English Particular Baptists (1642-1704) on the Regular Reformed Guys Podcast

Brandon Adams has an informal debate with Presbyterian Pastor Patrick Hines concerning Westminster versus 1689 federalism on Semper Reformanda Radio. Unfortunately, the debate/discussion was too short to cover some key issues in covenant theology. It was also a bit surprising and disappointing that Pastor Hines appeared to get very annoyed and insulted along the way (Much of this stems from the definitions of specific terms used by both sides). I commend Brandon for handling the discussion with such patience and humility. He offers additional notes and comments on the debate here.

[Update: Pastor Hines has since issued an apology to Brandon for his harshness in that dialog. We are grateful for this (as well as his confession that he does not as of yet understand the 1689 position with regard to covenant theology) and hold no resentment toward him as a brother in Christ. See Pastor Hines’ comments below. His apology can be heard here.]

Last November, Brandon Adams recorded a five-part series on the Reformed Northwest Podcast. These include a very informative discussion of key distinctions between paedobaptist and credobaptist covenant theologies, as well as differences between the federal theology of 17th century Particular Baptists and the covenant theology of some modern reformed Baptists (the latter is sometimes thought of as a modified paedobaptist view, rather than the more nuanced and consistent 1689 federalism). Access the series here or at Brandon’s blog.

Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash


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